Friday, February 10, 2012

The Prettiest Pool Houses

Needless to say I've always wanted a Pool House, it's sort of the Grown up version of the Play House my Grandfather built for my sister and I back in the day.  It's easy and tremendous fun to decorate small special spaces.  They are what I like to call, "Manageable Spaces".  It does not take a lot of money and it can be transformed to Magical quickly.

Our Pool House does a beautiful Party, we have hosted grad parties, baby showers, family events and much more.  Everyone comments on how much they love that little Pool House.  We all gather in it, stand around the bar and just marvel at its "Cuteness".

I enjoyed pondering these Fantastic Pool Houses and wanted to share the experience with you all!  And....If you do not have a Pool or a Pool House, find some small space in your house that you can make uniquely yours, a tiny gathering spot for you and your little ones, and you and your Big ones!

As Always I encourage all of you to Dare to be Over-the-top precious, and Make your Surroundings something that creates a sense of Sanctuary for You and Your Family!

1 comment:

  1. Anybody would definitely fall in love with these home pools! Who wouldn’t be? They all look gorgeous, inviting and relaxing! I think a pool or a water feature is a great addition to any home. They are a breath of fresh air to any property, and a good place to relax and unwind. All the pools look great, but the first photo definitely catches my attention! It looks rather heavenly! [Cathy Newman]
